Untitled (Fansly)
2023-01-02 14:29:32
Hello 👋 ! Daddy Thank you for coming to my page! My name is Maryury Jardin (Bunny Jabami) I'm glad to see you! 🐰 ⏰IF YOU MAKE A $20 TIP I WILL SEND YOU A 10 MINUTE VIP VIDEO RIGHT AWAY!⏰ 👀TODAY ONLY IF YOU SUBMIT A $30 TIP You will receive a dick rating with your name on it ⏰ 😍And if you subscribe at any level, you will receive a GIFT 🎁 Remember that I want to be your HORNY girlfriend 🐰 ❤️ If you have any personal requests, please let me know 💝 ForeverBunnyJabami🍒🐰 #pussy #bunny #girlfriend #girl #feed #love #boodies ❤️